Jeho účinek je potvrzen klinickými testy, které realizovala nezávislá akreditovaná laboratoř ExpertTox v USA, uznávaná Federálním soudem USA. Testy měřily procento zbytkového alkoholu z dechu, krve a moče.
Ověřte si sami, že funguje
ALCOHOL KILLER® je první nápoj na světě, který rychleji odbourává alkohol z organismu. Je založený na poznatcích z různých oblastí medicíny, farmacie, biotechnologie pod dohledem Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Kataríny Duckové, PhD., bývalé proděkanky Farmaceutické fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislavě.
Jeho účinek potvrdilo i více než 30 000 testů v různých zemích světa jako např. USA, Mexiko, Jižní Afrika, Německo, Maďarsko. Při testování se používaly kalibrované testovací přístroje uznávané soudem dané země.
Aktivně přispíváme k bezpečnosti za volantem a k 100% výkonu na pracovišti
last drink™
Měli jste „dlouhou noc“? Nezáleží na tom, jestli jste si užili pořádnou párty s alkoholem či bez něj. ALCOHOL KILLER® Vám pomůže v klidu se vyspat, posílí detoxikační proces a Vy se dostanete dříve do pohody. Pokud jste zkonzumovali větší množství alkoholu, je vhodné dát si o jednu nebo dvě plechovky navíc.
Co se stane v těle, po vypití alkoholu? Alkohol se dostává do trávicího traktu, následně se vstřebává do krve a šíří se do celého těla. 90 % alkoholu se metabolizuje v játrech prostřednictvím enzymů, především alkoholdehydrogenázy (ADH), aldehyddehydrogenázy (ALDH), katalázy a monooxigenázy a prostřednictvím enzymatického systému MEOS. Alkohol oxiduje prostřednictvím ADH a mění se na acetaldehyd (AA), který je extrémně toxický nejen pro játra samotná, ale také pro všechny orgány a buňky v těle. ALDH ho dále oxiduje a mění na acetát, který se konvertuje dále.
Pokud konzumujete alkohol v menších dávkách metabolizuje se relativně rychle a negativní účinky na organismus jsou minimální. Naopak rychlá konzumace velkého množství alkoholu způsobuje nahromadění vysoce toxických metabolitů alkoholu (acetaldehyd, LDL cholesterol, trigliceridy, volné radikály), které dlouhodobým působením mohou vést vedou k závažným metabolickým poruchám, poškození vnitřních orgánů, a celkově negativně působí na naše zdraví. Pokud se alkohol konzumuje na prázdný žaludek, okamžitě se vstřebává skrze žaludeční stěnu a poškozuje mozek a nervový systém.
Při intoxikaci alkoholem se tělo vychýlí z vnitřní rovnováhy a působení vitamínů, minerálů a důležitých látek vstupujících do bio procesů se zablokuje. Proto mnozí zažívají nepříznivé účinky alkoholu, známé jako „opice“, kocovina či hangover – bolest hlavy, žaludek na vodě, nechutenství, nutkání na zvracení, bolest očí, malátnost, špatná koncentrace...
Cokoli, co urychluje odbourávání alkoholu z těla posiluje detoxikační proces přirozený tělu a pomáhá mu obnovit vlastní metabolickou rovnováhu.
Tato tvrzení jsou skutečné a verifikovatelné.
"I found ALCOHOL KILLER online. I thought it was just an excellent marketing gag. After the goods were delivered, I attended a friend’s birthday party. You know how things work in Finland... We got wasted. I drank Killer and 20 minutes later, I was again alright and to my own surprise, I found out that it REALLY WORKS!"
Christian D.
CEO, Kauniainen, Fínsko
“V aute vždy vozím so sebou celý kartón ALCOHOL KILLERu. :0) Bez neho už nikam nejdem. Človek nikdy nevie, kedy sa mi môže hodiť. Prísť o vodičák alebo spôsobiť niečo horšie, za riskovanie nestojí.”
Roman Z.
daňový poradce
“Na našich stavebních projektech je bezpečnost prvořadá. Alkohol na stavbě je věc nemyslitelná, byť všichni víme, jak to často chodí. Naše projekty jsou postavené především na lidech. Jejich zdraví a bezpečnost je klíčová. Od té doby, co jsme si ověřili spolehlivost nápoje ALCOHOL KILLER®, tak jej doporučujeme všem našim zaměstnancům. Víme, že jsou to normální lidé, kteří po tvrdé práci také potřebuji vypustit ventilky. ALCOHOL KILLER® nám všem pomáhá být každé ráno fit a podávat maximální výkon. Děkuji za skvělý produkt, který navíc příjemně překvapil i chutí.”
Zdeněk K.
“ALCOHOL KILLER mi pomohol vyriešiť dilemu, kedy pracujem dlho do noci resp. do rána, a pritom si rád vychutnávam červené víno. Ráno musím byť v práci. Moja osobná skúsenosť je, že 0,7 promile mi dve plechovky KILLERu odbúrajú do hodinky. Vždy mám u seba profesionálny tester Dräger, takže by som za volant so zvyškovým alkoholom nesadol.”
Daniel N.
společně s partnery
aktivně přispíváme k bezpečnosti na cestách a 100% výkonu na pracovišti
Alkohol testery společnosti Dräger patří mezi nejspolehlivější na světě. Prokázal to i test dechových měřících přístrojů BESIP ČR. Naším cílem je dostat alkohol testery této značky do každé firmy i rodiny, aby byly naše cesty pro všechny bezpečnější.
škola šmyku - škola bezpečné jízdy
www.superdrive.skŠkola smyku je vysoká škola řízení, v které učí profesionální řidiči, jak zvládat nepředvídatelné situace i defenzívní jízdu v profesionálních tréninkových centrech. Již 5 let aktivně přispíváme k bezpečnosti za volantem. Jsme potěšeni, že od té doby prošlo tréningy více než 25 000 řidičů.
SPACElab s.r.o.
Sibírska 7,
831 02 Bratislava,
Slovak Republic, EU
Tel. +421 905 651 229
Dovozce a distributor
Saggita Group a.s.
Sídlo - Květinková 2714/14a, 130 00 Praha 3
Telefon: +420 725 903 996
E-mail: prodej@sgttrade.com
International distribution
2538 Augustine Dr.,
Parma, OH 44134,
United States
Last Revised August 2017
1. Acceptance of Terms
Your (User) access to, and use of, www.killerbeverages.com, www.alcoholkiller.com and www.alcoholkillerusa.com, including the content, Services and Software provided there (collectively, the "Site") are subject to the following Terms & Conditions of Use ("Terms") and all applicable laws and regulations. This Site contains many of the valuable registered trademarks, trademarks, names, titles, logos, images, service marks, designs, copyrights and other proprietary materials owned and registered by SPACElab, Ltd., Ivan Ducko and/or KILLER Beverages LLC. (collectively, the "KILLER Beverages") and used by KILLER Beverages throughout the world (collectively, the "Trademarks"). By utilizing this Site, User acknowledges that he or she has read, understood, and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions stated within these Terms. If you do not agree to the following Terms, then please do not use the Site.
2. Ownership of Content
All materials contained in this website (the "Content") are copyrighted except where explicitly noted otherwise. © 2013-2017 KILLER Beverages LLC. © 2001-20017 SPACElab, Ltd., Ivan Ducko. All rights reserved. Any Content that is a trademark, logo, or service mark is also a registered and unregistered trademark of KILLER Beverages, its subsidiaries, sponsors, or affiliated companies or others with all rights reserved unless otherwise noted. Your use of any the Content, except as provided in this Agreement, without the written permission of the Content owner is strictly prohibited. You are also advised that KILLER Beverages will aggressively enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law. The use of KILLER Beverages`s Trademarks on any other website is prohibited.
3. User Conduct
User agrees that all the information posted or accessed by User will be used only for informational or educational purposes. All Submissions become the Content that is owned by KILLER Beverages. User understands and agrees that User is permitted to make hard copy of such Content for personal use only. User may not modify, alter or change any Content or distribute, publish, transmit, reuse, re-post or use the Content of the Site for public or commercial purposes, including, without limitation, the text, images, audio and video. User may not copy, reproduce, distribute or create derivative works from this Content or use this Content other than as expressly authorized by these Terms without KILLER Beverages`s prior, written authorization. User will not engage in any conduct or action that is prohibited by law or violates and federal, state, or local laws while using the Site. User is prohibited from using the Site to violate the legal rights of others or harvest or collect personally identifiable information about users of the Site.
4. Privacy
Any personal data (i.e. your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address) you transmit to the Site by electronic mail or otherwise will be used by KILLER Beverages in accordance with the Site`s Privacy Policy as posted. Any other communication or material you transmit to the Site, such as questions, comments, suggestions or the like, will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary.
5. Limitation of Liabilities and Disclaimer of Warranties
Use of and browsing in the Site is done at User`s own risk. Neither KILLER Beverages nor any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering the Site shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of your access to, or use of, or browsing the Site, or downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video or audio from the Site, including, without limitation, damage to, or viruses that may infect, your computer equipment or other property as a result thereof. Without limiting the foregoing, everything on the Site is provided to you "AS IS" and WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR ANY KIND, either express or implied, to the fullest extent of the law, including without limitation the warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Check your local laws for any restrictions or limitations regarding the exclusion of implied warranties.
6. Links to Third Party Sites
The Site may contain links to sites owned or operated by parties other than KILLER Beverages. Such links are provided for your convenience only. These third party sites are not under the control of KILLER Beverages and User acknowledges that KILLER Beverages is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products or other materials available from such third party sites.
7. Indemnity
User agrees, at User`s expense, to indemnify, defend and hold harmless KILLER Beverages, its officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates, distributors and licensees from and against any judgment, losses, deficiencies, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney`s fees and expenses) incurred in connection with or arising from any claim, demand, suit, action or proceeding arising out of User`s breach of these Terms or in connection with User`s use of this website or any product or service related thereto.
8. Revisions to the Terms
KILLER Beverages may at any time, and without notice, revise this Agreement by updating this posting. You are bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the current Agreement.
9. Revisions to the Site
Information in the Site is subject to change without notice.
10. Law and Jurisdiction
KILLER Beverages maintains and operates this Site from its offices in the state of Ohio, United States. The laws of the State of Ohio, USA, without regard to its choice of law provisions, govern this Agreement and your use of the Site. The courts of general jurisdiction located within Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA, will have exclusive jurisdiction over any and all disputes arising out of, relating to or concerning this Agreement and/or the Site or in which this Agreement and/or the Site are a material fact, and you waive any jurisdictional, venue or inconvenient forum objections to such courts. User agrees that, regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to this Agreement must be filed within twelve (12) months after such claim or cause of action arises or it will be forever barred.
11. Reservation of Rights
Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. © 2013-2017 KILLER Beverages LLC. © 2001-2017 SPACElab, Ltd., Ivan Ducko. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Last Revised August 2017
The website you have entered is operated by KILLER Beverages LLC.
(collectively referred to in this Privacy Statement as "we" or "KILLER Beverages").
The privacy statement below covers the sites www.alcoholkiller.com and www.killerbeverages.com.
We do recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of all information provided by users
of our web sites, registrants for our events, recipients of our e-mail newsletters and all
other customers of our products and services. This Privacy Statement outlines the types of
information that are collected by KILLER Beverages on its website, and how we use and protect
it. This Statement also explains the choices that you can make about the way your information
is collected and used. This Statement applies only to www.killerbeverages.com, www.alcoholkiller.com
and www.alcoholkillerusa.com, and it does not apply to banners, sweepstakes and other advertisements
or promotions that we may sponsor or participate in on web sites owned by third parties. We created
this Statement with a fundamental respect for our customers' right to privacy and to guide our
relationships with our customers.
1. Information Collection and Use
KILLER Beverages is the sole owner of the information collected on www.killerbeverages.com, www.alcoholkiller.com. KILLER Beverages collects Personal Information from users at several points on our web site. In this section of our Privacy Statement, we describe the type of information we collect and how we use it to provide better services to our customers.
2. Collection of Personal Information
Personal information means any information that may be used to identify an individual, including but not limited to, a first and last name, email address, a home, postal or other physical address, other contact information, title, occupation, industry, and other information when needed to provide a service or product or carry out a transaction you have requested. When you browse our website, you do so anonymously, unless you have previously registered with us. We do not automatically collect personal information, including your email address. KILLER Beverages collects personal information when you request information from KILLER Beverages, when you use certain KILLER Beverages products or services, when you attend a trade show or participate in an online survey, when you ask to be included in an email or other mailing list, or when you submit an entry for a promotion, or when you submit your personal information to KILLER Beverages for any other reason. For internal purposes, we use this information to communicate with users and provide requested services. We also may use the information to send you notifications about our products and about KILLER Beverages events.
3. Tell-A-Friend
If customers elect to use our referral service for informing a friend about our sites and services, we may ask them for the friend's name, job title and e-mail address. KILLER Beverages will store and use this information to send the friend an invitation. This information may also be used to provide information about our KILLER Beverages and related products and services. The friend may contact us as specified in the tell-a-friend message to request that no further communications be sent.
4. With Whom Your Information is Shared
Your personal information is never shared outside KILLER Beverages without your permission, except under conditions which give us permission to do so. Inside KILLER Beverages, data is stored in controlled servers with limited access. Your information may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country where KILLER Beverages, its subsidiaries, affiliates or agents are located.
Children and Privacy
Our websites do not target and are not intended to attract children under the age of 13. KILLER Beverages does not knowingly solicit personal information from children under the age of 13 or send them requests for personal information.
6. Cookies
A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user's computer tied to information about the user. We use session ID cookies. For the session ID cookie, once users close the browser the cookie simply terminates. A cookie file can contain information such as a user ID that the site uses to track the pages you have visited. The only personal information a cookie can contain is information you supply yourself. A cookie cannot read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. As an example, cookies are used to facilitate entry into protected areas, or to remember user preferences.
7. Links
This Web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every Web site that collects personally identifiable information. This Privacy Statement applies solely to information collected by this Web site.
8. Changes to this Privacy Statement
KILLER Beverages will amend this Privacy Statement from time to time. If we make any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information, we will make that information available by posting a notice on this site.
9. Choice
Our users are given the opportunity to "opt-out" of having their information used for purposes not
directly related to our site at the point where we ask for information.
You may "opt-out" by using one of the following methods:
- You may choose not to provide us with any contact information.
- sers who no longer wish to receive our newsletter and promotional communications may opt-out of receiving these communications by typing "unsubscribe" in the subject line in the email or email us at feedback@killerbeverages.com or feedback@alcoholkiller.com.
We also offer an opt-out mechanism at the bottom of each Marketing campaign, OR the user may contact us by phone, e-Mail or Postal mail to opt-out.
10. Contact Information
If users have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy please contact us via:
e-mail at: feedback@killerbeverages.com, or feedback@alcoholkiller.com
in USA mail at: KILLER Beverages LLC., 2538 Augustine Dr., Parma, OH 44134
Though test results from laboratories in the United States and the European Union have shown that consuming ALCOHOL βG KILLER® can result in a significant lowering of breath ethanol levels, consuming ALCOHOL KILLER is not a license to drink and drive. Driving while intoxicated is unethical, illegal, and dangerous. The length of time during which the amount of alcohol in the body decreases varies with each individual and depends on factors such as age, gender, body weight, metabolism, diet, general health, and the amount of alcohol consumed.
ALCOHOL KILLER DOES NOT prevent intoxication. The creators of ALCOHOL KILLER urge all who drink alcohol to AKt Responsibly™. NEVER DRINK and DRIVE. ALCOHOL KILLER is approved by the Office of Public Health Services of the Slovak Republic, EU, No: BPOVO/1613/2005/Trs. According to the jurisdiction of the EU Court of Justice, this approval is considered valid in other EU (European Union) member states, as well as in EEA (European Economic Area) member states.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the US FDA or EFSA.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
© 2001 – 2017 SPACElab s.r.o. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED